11 July 2006

BBIC Judging Criteria

In order to help those participating in the TKM – Ernst & Young Big Business Idea Competition (BBIC), we’ve detailed below the general criteria the judges - headed up by Dr. Graham Smith of Sohar Aluminium - (pictured right) will use in evaluating submissions.

There are five (5) categories of criteria which the BBIC judges will consider when reviewing the business plans:

1. Innovation
Does the business have the potential to break new ground in their field and could it truly be described as cutting edge?

2. Team
Have the key functions of the business been properly identified and have gaps within the business been recognized? Do we have credible candidates in place or identified for those functions?
Is the team clearly led?

3. Technology
Is the product/service likely to be ready for market within a realistic (i.e. fundable) timescale?
Has the technology been verified, either independently or by prospective customers?
Is it genuinely original and valuable?

4. Business Model
Does the plan spell out clearly how the business will make money?
How sustainable is the business?
Does it have high growth potential?
Is there a convincing focus on cash-generation?

5. Market Opportunity & Proposition
Does the plan define a clear need for the product/service?
Is there a viable value proposition on offer to meet that need?
Is the market defined in terms of size, dynamics and competition?
Is there a credible marketing strategy showing routes to market, competitive positioning and partnerships?

Finally, does this Plan present a credible business proposition?